Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The last couple of years have been rough for everyone. Evidence of that is the abundance of mini skirts, tight shirts, and the return of the 80s inspired leggings. Everything had been tight and body conscious. These days, there is a less body conscious/ figure-hugging style on the way.

January showed some of the same legging/ tunic combination, but as the season developed, the shape changed. Instead of pants being low and tight, they became high-waisted and wide-legged. Dresses became more flowy and grazed the floor. A-line and a more boxy shape became more prevalent as men’s wear took a lead on the runway.

The silhouettes showed how the movement for women’s rights had such an impact on the world. The shift to incorporate some of the men’s attire into the fashions are much like the trends of the late 70s and early 80s.

This season, look for wide legs, bellbottoms, and full skirts. Remember that a rectangular silhouette shows power. Pair this look with a draped blouse and/or vest on top.

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